Thursday, June 24, 2004


dear diary,

What will you do if you feel that your emotions for somebody seems uncertain? Let's say your mind is telling you that he didn't passed your standards, yet your heart tells you he's the one - how would you deal with this? With this contradicting ideologies and perspectives how would you react when you're in front of him? Would you stay cool and ignore the dictates of your heart or you'll follow it and disregard your mind's overwhelming advices and reminders?

It seems hard yet it's always happening, and you can't even decide truthfully for you know that regrets would come after following the decision you'd chosen. But what is the right thing to do, and what would you choose? Oh diary, I really don't know what to do. You know everytime i caught a glimpse of him, he seems to become too attractive, and i can't handle it. It appeared that he has this ineffable something that mesmerizes me, and make me fall madly in love with him, yet i always repress this feelings to a certain point in lieu with my high standards. If only i could modify it, yet I'm too afraid with what would happen if he would knew my concealed feelings for him...