Monday, November 6, 2006

How can apologies be accepted that easily?

I had observed that if something wrong was done to a particular person, there were instances where that person whole-heartedly accepts the apology of the wrong doer, while other times the opposite of it occurs. Why was it so?

Here were the situations; if the damage done was either replaceable, repairable, and the like, mostly tangible things, and then the former will be likely to occur. A person’s apology may likewise be accepted that easily. However, if the damage done to a particular person was not replaceable or repairable or any such things or words that revolve around the context of the two aforementioned words, and then most likely the latter will occur; the apology will not be accepted. A concrete example may be the dignity of the person harmed, his or her life, or any thing tangible or intangible that the harmed person deemed to be important and special to him or her.

Yet, it cannot also be ruled out, that this topic was subjective from the very beginning, and it still depends on the person harmed whether he or she will presumably accept apologies or not. Similarly, sincerity of the wrong-doer plays a vital role on the probability of being granted with forgiveness and pardon from the person harmed.

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